Monday, April 23, 2012

Putting In The Time

I set as a goal of mine this past Fall to put in at least one 4:00 riding day during the week.  I was going to ride through rain, sleet, snow, muck, a tight schedule, broken bikes and whatever else might be on offer to get my time in.  I decided that the only way I was going to let the streak be broken was if the ride would affect my training and recovery for an upcoming race.  Well another week has passed, and the streak lives.  I had to combine a warm up, a race and a post race ride to get my 4:00, and that is exactly what I did.  A couple of the highlights of the day were:

1) Racing and seeing all of my friends and competitors
2) Doing all of the riding in the greater Ann Arbor area
3) Riding with my friend Chris on Huron River Drive.  Both of us are U of M grads and have spent countless hours on this iconic road, but we went to school too far apart to have ever riden the road together.
4) Seeing an old friend at the race.  

Huron River Drive heading towards Main Streeet

Chris pedaling on Huron River Drive

The Huron River and Amtrak Line

Crossing the bridge into Barton Hills

The dirt road climb into Barton Hills

Fresh shoulder on Huron River Drive