Saturday, December 22, 2012

Cycletherapy Indoor Training Class Week of 12/22/12

We had our best turnout yet this weekend with 15(+) people participating in the event.  Everyone who was there was working hard and gaining fitness that they will use when the weather breaks.  If you could not make it out then take a look at what we did:


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cycletherapy Indoor Cycling Class Week of 12/15/12

The weather was a little bit nicer than last weekend, but not as nice as the 1st weekend of class, and the number of participants reflected that exactly.  We had a couple people fewer than the comparatively nasty week of 12/8.  Those who showed got a great workout and built some fitness towards the spring. Here is a look at what went down:

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cycletherapy Indoor Cycling Class Week of 12/8/12

This week we had a much better turn out than last- I am sure due to the fact that it was 40 and raining outside.  The class totaled 12 participants and everyone who was there was working hard and showing a lot of enthusiasm.  Here is a how the workout looked:

Beginning next week we will start charging for the class, but it is a very reasonable $5.00 per session.  Come on out.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cycletherapy Indoor Cycling Class Week of 12/1/12

With above normal temperatures making for a beautiful December 1st, I did not expect a high turn out for the first Cycletherapy Indoor Training Class.  I set the over/under number at 5 with a friend, and that is exactly what we hit- if I include myself in the count.  I believe that everyone who showed up got a great workout and had a great time.  For those of you who missed the class, or are interested in what it is about, the screen shot below is the of the class as it happened. The corresponding efforts, for the songs being played, are described in the "Comments" column on the right hand side.
