Friday, April 22, 2011

2011 Kinetic Fitness Spring Pentathlon

Most of my clients know of, or participated in, the Kinetic Fitness 2010 Winter Decathlon.  The idea for the contest arose one morning when 2 clients were discussing what they could do to help pass the time of the long winter.  They decided that they should challenge each other on an exercise and use that training and drive to help pass the time.  They bantered back and forth between each other about which exercise the two of them should do, and ultimately they asked me what would be a fair exercise that wouldn't favor one person over the other.  I thought about it for a second and said,"Why choose just one?  Let's raise the bar on this idea and take it to 10 events."  From that point on the contest started taking shape and it ultimately grew into a contest many of my clients took part in.  Some wanted to do all of the events, and others only wanted to do a few.  What happened for everyone though was increased focus and fitness, and the winter did seem to pass much more quickly!  For this Spring I have brought back the contest, but I decided to keep the number of events smaller and the duration of the training shorter.

The Disciplines

1) Wii Yoga Tree Pose for score
2) Cardiovascular total time for the week
3) Stationary Lunges @ 15% of BW for maximum number of repetitions with both legs
4) Hammer Strength Machine Row @ 25% of BW for maximum number of repetitions
5) Modified Sit and Reach Test

Training Period-

Monday April 25th - Sunday May 22nd

Testing Period-

Monday May 23rd - Sunday May 29th

If you look at the five disciplines you will see that it will take a well rounded athlete to excel in this competition.  Everything from core strength, the Wii Yoga Tree Pose, to flexibility, the modified sit and reach test, is taxed.  I welcome everyone to join in and if you would like to try these events, but don't have the knowledge or access to complete them, then please contact me and I can offer explanations and alternatives.  Good luck!


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