Sunday, April 3, 2011

Vacation Workout

The key to maintaining, or even improving, your fitness while on vacation is to schedule a couple of solid training sessions during your time away.  It is your vacation, so these sessions don't have to be up to the full intensity or duration of your normal workouts, but they should be tough enough to stimulate your muscles and your mind. Also, take advantage of your schedule change to add some variety to your workout.  If you usually skip your cardiovascular workout, then start your day with it.  If you avoid your resistance training during your normal schedule, then make sure you fit it in during your vacation.  

One thing that can mess up your attempt to get in a solid workout is you probably will not have access to the same type or quality of equipment that you have at your usual facility.  However, you can make just about anything work to get a solid workout.  Bring ankle weights or exercise bands in your suitcase with you.  Or even use your suitcase as a weight.  If the place you are staying has equipment then give it a try.  But, if you are unfamiliar with how a particular machine works make sure that you start with as low a resistance as possible. 

General guidelines:

☀ Complete 2 workouts per week of vacation 
☀ Train with lighter than normal weights during your trip
☀ Complete 2-3 sets @ 15-20 reps per set
☀ Switch up your routine
☀ Be careful on machines you are not familiar with.  

Sample program:

Cardiovascular Training
Try a walk, a run, a machine or something new

Resistance Training
Straight leg raise-find it here
Standing hip extension-find it here
Outer thigh raise-find it here
Stationary lunge
Calf raise
Push-up-find it here
Bench Dip-find it here
D.B. Lateral raise
D.B. Row-find it here
D.B. Curl

Abdominal Crunches

This is just a sample program.  Feel free to add or subtract any exercise that you want to it.   What is important is that you stay active during your time away, and if you do, you will find that you come back feeling great!


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