Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday Ride

Rode today with a friend to Kensington Metro Park via Proud Lake 2 track, dirt roads and the multi use path that starts in Milford.  Saw some pretty cool stuff out there.

This truck was modified so it could travel on the railroad tracks.  It was loading up a bunch of railroad ties.

There was some type of horse event going on at Proud Lake.  The place was packed with people and horses.  I don't know a lot about horses, but I know they tend to get spooked by bikes.  The few we passed handled it pretty well.

We stopped briefly in Kensington.  It did not smell so great near the water.  Lot's of dead carp floating in the water.  They, and the smell, were there last weekend too.

Yep, I forgot to charge the battery.

The multi use path from Milford to Kensington is awesome.  Smooth, open and with a little roll to it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Past Few Weeks

My apologies on the lack of updates lately.  The warm weather gets here, the riding intensity increases, the legs get more tired, the energy is lower, blah, blah and blah.  I'll attempt to get back on a regular schedule.  In the meantime here are some shots of some of the riding I have been doing.

The past 2 shots are of the new bridge, on the rail trail, that goes over telegraph.  It is just north of Orchard Lake Road.  A client and I rode over to it last week to check it out.

This dude was hanging out on the rail trail on our way back from the bridge.

This is a view of the bridge from later in the day.

I went north this weekend to see my friend Paul.  All the way up past Traverse City.  That is the Dune Climb behind us.  You'll find it at the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake Shore.

That is a luggage tag hanging from his bike.  It is a primitive form of a Road ID.

This is what riding in the Leelanau Peninsula looks like.  Miles and miles of rolling hills, vineyards, orchards, great roads and zero traffic.

I am an admitted non-climber.  That being said, this is my favorite climb.  It's about .75 miles long, winding, 4-8% grade and smooth roads.

A view of riding the climb.

A view of the plateau at the top.  Notice the cherry trees, and Paul waving and urging me forward.

Friday, June 10, 2011

One of my favorite parts of my job is sharing my love of the bike with others.  Here are some pictures from the week showing this:

 75 degrees at 7:00 in the morning. I'll take it!

There were others out early so we had to move over to share the trail.

This dude is bigger than she looks!  I saw several out this morning getting ready to lay their eggs.

70 degrees at 6:30 in the afternoon.  We both would have liked at least another 10 degrees.

They are hard to see, but there are some Sand Hill Cranes in this photo.  They look kind of prehistoric, not as much as the snapping turtle, and they have become very prominent in the park.  

Buffalo are awesome, and no this was not from this week!