Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday Ride

Rode today with a friend to Kensington Metro Park via Proud Lake 2 track, dirt roads and the multi use path that starts in Milford.  Saw some pretty cool stuff out there.

This truck was modified so it could travel on the railroad tracks.  It was loading up a bunch of railroad ties.

There was some type of horse event going on at Proud Lake.  The place was packed with people and horses.  I don't know a lot about horses, but I know they tend to get spooked by bikes.  The few we passed handled it pretty well.

We stopped briefly in Kensington.  It did not smell so great near the water.  Lot's of dead carp floating in the water.  They, and the smell, were there last weekend too.

Yep, I forgot to charge the battery.

The multi use path from Milford to Kensington is awesome.  Smooth, open and with a little roll to it.


  1. Hi Jason
    I went for a ride today at hot and beautiful. I drank a lot of water! Adam texted that he was at the top of a mountain. He was going to ride today. SMP

  2. SMP- I can't get enough of these hot days. 3:00 today and would have loved more, but saving the legs for bigger things.
