Saturday, April 30, 2011

Riding With A Friend

A good friend of mine came into town this weekend and wanted to get a ride in while he was here.  I told him that I thought that it was a great idea.  We set up a ride time that worked for both of us, and then all we needed was the weather to cooperate. The weather turned out to be decent- 60ish and overcast, but not as good as originally predicted- 65-70 and sunny.  As for the ride itself, we rode the bike path to Island Lake State Park.  Apparently many others had similar plans to ride because when we got to the mountain bike parking lot it was packed.  We were on the wrong bikes to ride the trails so we flipped it and headed back.

Check out the trick kit.  He, Paul, lives in Boulder and is riding for a new club this year.  I would give the kit a solid A in appearance.

Another angle on the gear.  Notice in this shot, as well as the first, his arm warmer has fallen down his arm.  Ever since I have known him that is what always happens to him and his warmers.  That would drive me crazy.

The best thing about this photo is the old school technology in Paul's hand.  And no, I am not talking about myself!  The bike in his right hand is a Schwinn made with Reynolds 853 tubing.  That my friends is an old school ride.

We ended up with 2 solid hours, 35 miles, lots of wind and a great ride!


  1. Love it Jason. smp

  2. SMP, when and if it ever gets 80+ degrees, we will go for a ride too!

  3. Sounds perfect to me. smp

  4. I may have him beat...Ciocc, chromoly tubing, Campy parts to include the ergo power levers, that combines the brakes and shift levers. I believe 1992 or 1993...JP

  5. Joe- Very nice! You have him beat on pure italian style, if nothing else. I hope that your bike is getting some miles put on it.


  6. Yep! But only on warm, dry days - I think I put 250 miles on it last summer. I ride my Trek mountain bike most of the time...going to start riding to work and home here daily (weather permitting) in the next couple weeks.
