Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Fitness Routine

I was recently asked to spend a little time writing about what someone could do to prepare herself for wearing Spring and Summer clothing.

This is the exact statement-
"We need more exercises to get us ready for capri pants, shorts, short sleeve shirts, tank tops and the dreaded bathing suit..."

What I will assume from this request is that people are looking for a way to tone up areas of their bodies that have been hidden for awhile, but that are now going to be in view.  This is a pretty straightforward request, but actually it is not a quick-and-easy topic to cover.  It is a tough topic to cover because what is one person's perfect spot is another person's problem.  That is, someone may be very happy with how her legs look, but not happy with her shoulders.  And vice versa.  What I can specifically recommend are 3 things:

#1:  Cardio, cardio, cardio and more cardio!  If you are looking to tone things up quickly, nothing has quite as fast an impact as some quality cardio time.  The more  time you can put in, the better the toning results.

#2:  Target the area you have a problem with by adding an extra day of resistance training to your program that specifically addresses the area.  If you are unhappy with your shoulders, do an extra workout with 4-5 shoulder exercises.  If it is your legs that you don't love, put a day in the schedule where you train just with leg exercises.

#3:  Contact me for more advice.  I can more easily and specifically give advice if I am aware of what someone's problem areas are exactly.  If you click on the space under my picture that states, "View my complete profile", it will take you to a page that has a "Contact Me" link.  Feel free to click on it and send me a message with your questions.  It is a link to my private email address and I will keep all material exchanged and discussed private.

Good luck with your work and I am hoping that the weather cooperates!


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