Monday, April 25, 2011

Exercise of the week 4/25/11

Dumbbell(DB) Lateral Raise

This exercise primarily works the deltoids, more commonly known as the shoulder, musculature.  There are three different deltoid muscles and each type of shoulder exercise works the three parts in a different ratio to the other parts.  Functionally, the shoulders are very important to us because they are involved in some way with any movement we make with our arms.  Aesthetically, they are important because they define the shape of the upper body.  If you have strong and defined deltoids you will be able to look good as you muscle your way throughout the day!

How to perform:

❍ While seated or standing hold two DB's at your sides
❍ Put a slight bend in your elbows
❍ Keep your neck relaxed

❍ Lift the DB's up to ~shoulder height
❍ Hold/Squeeze the muscles at the end of the movement
❍ Relax your shoulders and let your arms return to your sides
❍ Repeat for the prescribed number of reps

 Many people find that their neck gets tight while they are undertaking this exercise.  To help prevent this make sure that you keep your neck as relaxed as possible while you work through this movement.  Good luck!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this, or any other exercise, and I am always open to suggestions on which exercise to cover next week.


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