Sunday, March 18, 2012


This is a picture of a freshly graded dirt road I rode my mountain bike down last week.  The picture does not do justice to the difficulty that is had when trying to smoothly ride over this kind of surface.  The thickness of the soil and the stickiness of the dirt just sucks the speed right out of your bike.  It was tough work to ride through this for 2 miles.

I just talked to a client of mine who did course recon this weekend on the Barry-Roubaix route.  Barry-Roubaix is a dirt road bike race that is happening next weekend.  He spent 2 days riding the route- 62 miles each day- and he was pleased with how his body felt and responded.  He was also observant about how the course looked.  He told me many of the roads were freshly graded and that the going was tough and slow.  But, he finished our conversation on a positive note.  He said,"Yah it was slow, but it will be slow for everyone out there."

That is a confident person.  He has worked hard all winter and he is pleased with his fitness and form.  He knows that the conditions can massively affect a bike race, but he also knows that his preparation will allow him to overcome anything the race can throw at him.  We should all prepare well so that we can roll with confidence.


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