Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jupiter Florida

A good friend of ours has insisted for years that we go down and stay at her condo in Jupiter Florida.  We have always had one reason or another why we couldn't make it, but this year we decided to fit a trip into our schedule.  I did some research on riding in the area and was undecided on which of my bikes to bring. There seemed like there were pluses and minuses to both my road and mountain bikes and I was back and forth with which way to go until I got my new road bike assembled.

Once I had this beast together, the choice was made.  The new bike had to make the trip.  I rode the heck out of it for 5 days, and ended up with just short of 18 hours on it in that time.  Through all of my riding I saw stuff like this:

This is the only pink building I saw.  It was awesome.  I just kept on thinking about Miami Vice whenever I passed it.

These guys were everywhere.  And they apparently grow very fast.  There were landscaping crew everywhere cutting down and pilling up the stalks(?)

This was taken on Jupiter Island.  It is a 10 mile island that is a pleasure to ride.  Low traffic, low speeds and high dollar views.

I ran into a couple of these on my last ride.  I got stopped by the same boat twice at 2 different bridges!

Relaxing post ride.

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