Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sunny Workout

I happen to know a number of people who do not seem to be too effected by the weather.  Overcast, rain, snow, slush or whatever, the weather just doesn't seem to bother them.  However, I know way more people, myself included, who need sunshine and/or warmth to put them at their best.  This morning was one of the rare sunny and almost warm mornings that we have had this year.  And these conditions helped someone who needed a sunny push in the right direction.

When I got to this client's house this morning I could tell right out of the gate that she was not in the best of workout moods.  Actually, that's putting it kindly.  One of the first things she said to me was, "It took everything I had not to call you this morning and cancel."  I told her that it was great that she didn't and let's see what we could get through.  We both agreed that a short walk outside, in the sun, might help kick start her mind and body.  So we walked.  And it was really nice out.  The sun and the ever increasing temperature seemed to help pick up our pace, and with that I could tell her spirit was picking up too.  When the walk was over I was ready to head in and get to work with some weights and exercise bands, but she had a different plan.  She laid down right in the sun covered grass and said, "I want to train here.  Can I?"  I replied, "I think it is a great idea."  And train on the lawn, in the bright sun, is what we did.  It was great and it was just what she needed.

Are you weather effected?  Let me know about it.  I love to hear how people deal with tough environmental situations.



  1. I have been extra motivated with the sunshine and warm weather. The warmer the better for me. I played soccer most of my life and unfortunately it is played in any weather condition....except lightning. In my old age I have turned into a fair weather athlete. smp

  2. smp- it was high 70's on my 2nd ride today. I got some sweat in my eyes and it stung. Awesome!
