Monday, May 9, 2011

Exercise of the week 5/9/11

Seated Dumbbell(DB) Curl

This exercise primarily works the biceps muscle which is on the front of the upper arm.  Most people are familiar with this muscle, and many spend a significant portion of their upper body training time devoted to sculpting this muscle.  I wouldn't recommend sacrificing a lot of your limited time to training this muscle group, but I do think that it is important to give it some attention.   One of the biggest reasons I advocate spending time on training these muscles is because of the reciprocal benefits. For example, the forearm muscles have to contract and grip the DB's firmly when you perform this exercise.  By doing this they become stronger.  When they are stronger they are more able to help you out in your life's activities- such as opening a can, gripping a bag, carrying a baby or any other similar activity.

How to perform:

❑ Hold the 2 DB's at your side
❑ Let your arms relax and fully extend
❑ Relax your neck
❑ Lock your elbows in position at your side

❑ While maintaining your neck and elbow positions-
❑ Lift the DB's up to about shoulder height
❑ Hold/squeeze the muscles at the end of the movement
❑ Relax the muscles and slowly lower your arms to the starting position
❑ Repeat for the prescribed number of reps

This is a fantastic exercise to learn and add to your routine.  There are a great number of varieties and complexities that you can add to this movement to change it up and make it tougher.  I would recommend starting with this version and then challenging yourself with other versions as you gain strength.  Good luck!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this, or any other exercise, and I am always open to suggestions on which exercise to cover next week.


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