Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Any Time & Any Place

I had a client come in last night who had a specific request for her training - she wanted to work out her arms and then do some cardiovascular work.  That's an easy enough request to make happen, but I was a little taken back by it.  Why?  Well, I was thrown off because this particular individual is one, like many, who is not a fan of upper-body training.  So for her to come in, and request it right out of the gate, was a little surprising.

I said we could make that happen, then asked, "Why are we skipping the lower body?"  She replied,  "When I was home last night watching some TV, I decided to lay on the floor and do a variety of leg exercises."  She told me she did straight leg raises, inner thigh raises, outer thigh raises and hip extensions.  She said it was easy and only took her 20 minutes to get through it all.  I said, "Excellent work!", gave her a high five, and got her going on training her upper-body.

The point to take from that exchange is that you can fit in some exercise in almost any time and place.  Too often, I have people tell me that they don't have the time to workout.  After years of hearing a variety, and probably every possible excuse, I have lost my ability to be tactful.  The response that I now use when I hear that statement is, "Yes you do.  You just don't want to do it.  We all can make time to do the things we want to do."  I know it might be a little crass, but I know it is the truth.  Even with the most jam-packed schedule, there is time every night for some stretches, or time during the day for a 10 minute walk, or time before work for some resistance training.  The time is there if you want to make the workout happen.  It does not have to be a lot of time, but it does have to be consistently undertaken.  If you consistently make the time, a lot or even a little, you will realize the benefits with your fitness and health.


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