Monday, March 28, 2011

Exercise of the week 3/28/11

Bench Dip

This exercise focuses on the tricep musculature as well as utilizing some of the shoulder musculature.  It is a wonderful exercise that helps develop or maintain the strength that allows people to push themselves up out of chairs, or up from any seated position.

How to perform:

• Sit on a bench or another stable surface with your back straight and knees bent
• Place your hands at your sides and straighten your arms, but do not lock your elbows

• With tension in your arms, move your body so that you are off of the bench

• Lower yourself in a smooth controlled fashion
• Keep your back straight as you descend
• Go as low as you comfortably can

• Lift yourself back up until your arms are straight, but not locked

Many people will find this exercise very difficult at first.  I would recommend that you begin with a small range of motion - 2 to 4 inches - and work your way to a full range.  Experiment with different hand positions.  Many people find that if they place their hands perpendicular to their thighs (wrists turned out from your body), they are more comfortable than if they place them parallel (wrists bent as shown above).  Also, for safety's sake, I would recommend putting a cushion under you just in case you end up on the floor!

Good luck!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this, or any other exercise, and I am always open to suggestions on which exercise to cover next week.


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