Monday, March 7, 2011

Office Workout

I spent an hour or so in an office building today.  Mercifully, it was not sitting behind a desk.  That carer path would not have went well for me.  I think I would have lasted about a day before the sitting and relative inactivity got to me.  So I give a solid thumbs up to anyone who has the mental ability to endure the office "lifestyle". I give a further high five to those who make time in their office infused days to participate in some type of physical activity.  It doesn't have to be the combination cardiovascular/resistance training hour that I was instructing earlier today to earn you full credit.  It can be anything active.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Get a group to walk at lunch.  Undertake some stretches while at your desk.  If you insist that you are too busy and can't manage to get any time for activity then make sure you plan something for after work.  I will extend the full credit to you if you planned the after work activity while at work.  To me that means at least you were thinking in the right direction!



  1. Jason! Hope all is well old friend. Great website, just seeing the pics and the posting about bikes conjures up great memories from HS. Without boring you reminiscing, I am very curious about the cable machine in the pic. I am looking for something similar in the near future for my home gym. Can you please provide product info? Also, my brother in law, Greg Witt (42) is a leathered moutain bike rider, and rides for a team; it is either a team out of Royal Oak, or he is still riding for the Ford racing team. Any rate, he is a darn good ground pounder. No doubt all is well with you, and all the best! Joe Plaxton.

  2. Joe, great to hear from you and happy to provide the info:

    It's a great piece of equipment. Sturdy, easy to adjust, small foot print, quiet, smooth operating and many other features. It way outperforms the more traditional based "all in one" pieces such as Vectra units. A quick internet search shows that you should expect to pay ~$2500.00 for the unit. While that is not cheap, it is way more value for the dollar then most comparable units. I am not sure who the local dealer is, but I would be happy to find out who it is. Also, if you have any other equipment questions about your potential set-up let me know. I hope all is well on your end and it was great to hear from you.

