Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Workout

I am pretty sure that the happiness that overcame many of us, as the rain was melting away the snow on Saturday, was quickly replaced with disbelief as yet another 4 inches of snow fell throughout the day into the night. The snow, and shock of it, was most debilitating to a client of mine who was scheduled to come in Sunday morning.  She texted me that she couldn't make it to train because she couldn't bear to go out into the snow- she had returned the night before from a week in the Caribbean.  It took several exchanges and a variety of tactics, but I finally "won" the battle and she decided to show up.

I understood what she was feeling. I was sick of this garbage weather and I wasn't looking forward to doing another ride in the sludge.  Nor were any of the guy's I was going to meet for the ride.  When we all assembled no one had a clear cut plan as to where we should ride.  For that matter, it didn't make much of a difference.  Every direction was going to lead to a wet and cold ride.  And that is exactly what happened.  Two hours of wet clothes and mud covered faces.  All things considered, It wasn't horrible though.  I noticed something that made it bearable.  I noticed people.  In the past few months the parks we ride have been empty.  Barren of anything but the wind, and the cold and us.  Not today though.  We started the ride by seeing another 6 cyclists that we know.  They were bundled up properly and were cruising through the slop.  Then I saw some runners.  Then a couple more bikes.  And then about 20 people walking on the path at Kensington.  It was good to see.  It was a sign to me that people can't take it anymore.  Despite the best efforts of the Winter to beat everyone down, people have reached their limits and they are getting out to be active.



  1. Ha, you know what to say.....I guess that is one of the reasons you are the best trainer ever.

  2. I'll say this much- even though you were on vacation for a week you still had a solid workout!
