Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Legend Of The Shiny Bar

The shiny bar is a 35-pound straight bar I have in the gym.  Sometime last year, a client of mine decided that she wanted to be able to lift "shiny bar" - while on the incline bench press - for a specific number of reps.  That was the plan and the goal was set.  While training to reach this goal, the client discovered that some days "shiny bar" felt lighter than usual, and on some days "shiny bar" felt like a bag of bricks.  It was from this difference that The Legend Of The Shiny Bar grew.

We soon started comparing real world events to the different levels of Shiny Bar.  On a particularly strong day, when the mission was to fill and empty the car after a Costco run, the client commented that she felt great and it was a "light" shiny bar day.  During another training session, I commented about how a bike race went for me.  She asked, "Was it a light or heavy shiny bar day."  My reply, "I'm not sure if shiny bar was light or heavy because I felt like I was dragging the bar behind me the entire race!"

The lesson to be learned from this?  There will be strong days and not as strong days.  If you are having a strength filled day then take advantage of it and enjoy it.  If you are having a not as strong day then roll with it and know that a strong one will be coming soon.



  1. The Legend of the Shiny Bar could be derivative of the theory of relativity. At Kinetic Fitness, we often delve into deep thoughts of ultimate truth. Join us as we plumb the inner recesses of important issues of the day, like "What time do you think Dave will get here?" "Is gender-bashing allowed in the gym?" "Did Rita really go to the AutoShow in Detroit in that get-up, or did she and Mulally send in look-alikes in their place?" "Will anyone ever really win a game of keep-away with Luna?" "Who will take a nap while 'working out' on Big Red? Will it be Claudia or the Guv?" "When will Jason install a hoop?" These and other riveting questions will be answered at Kinetic Fitness. Come lift with us.

  2. I never really thought too much about the "shiny bar" and didn't realize it was so awe inspiring. My goal is to lift it with actual weights on the ends! :-)

  3. I love to take a nap on the Big Red and listening The Legend Of The Shiny Bar by Jason. Meanwhile Peanut is on the first step of the Big Red kissing my right hand.Oh goodness what a such a work out time> LOVE IT :D
