Friday, March 18, 2011

Stretch of the Day

Lying hip stretch

This is a fantastic stretch that may help with a number of hip and lower back issues.  I find that this stretch is particularly relieving to those who are tight from too much sitting.

- Keep the non-stretched leg bent with the foot resting flat on the surface
- Smoothly pull your knee towards your chest
- Keep on pulling until you begin to feel tightness in the hip or back
- Hold your leg in the tight position for 10 seconds
- Slowly lower your leg and complete the stretch with the other leg
- Repeat 2-3 times per leg
- Gradually increase the duration of the stretch up to 1:00 per side @ 2-3 times


  1. It's definitely a great stretch for sitting too long!

  2. I plan on adding another stretch this week that will help out all of the office workers out there!
