Friday, March 25, 2011

A DJ AT A Workout

I mentioned in an earlier post about how music may be one of the stimuli that helps you get focused and drives you through your workout.  This past Wednesday was a day when this point was heavily driven home to me.  There were three separate events that each, in their own way, showed the potential importance of music on training.

The first involves a couple I train, and the above picture is their iPod that is used during each and every workout.  When I make my way down to their basement gym, the first thing I do, even before setting down my backpack or taking off my coat, is to check the workout playlist that has been assembled.   And the next thing I do is cue up the first song.  This couple loves training to music, and they always have a playlist put together and are ready for me to DJ the way through their workout.  Sometimes there are fast songs, and sometimes there are slower songs, but there are always songs that they find motivating in some way.

The second example is from my own workout.  The never-ending winter wreaked havoc on another planned outdoor training ride.  Rain/sleet/snow and 33 degrees was more than I could stomach, or tolerate, for an outdoor ride.  So I was left with having to do a long ride inside after work.  I generally don't mind riding indoors, or even riding indoors for long periods.  What was making this ride potentially tough was a 20 minute full-effort exertion that needed to be completed.  I knew the best way to stay focused was going to be having the iPod ready to rock out some melodic motivation.  And ready it was.  The music that I had lined up for the harsh 20 minutes, predominantly from the band Muse, pushed me to open up my legs and lungs.  And because of its power, I was able to set a new personal record.

The third example comes from my post-ride reading and stretching.  I was reading through a variety of rider blogs and came upon this post by an American amateur who is racing in Europe.  This guy is serious about his music and using it to help himself focus on his training.  He writes that when he uses music during training he just loops the same song over and over.  How many times do you think he repeats it? Once? Twice? Three times? Nope, this guy goes right to his happy place by looping his songs for two hours at a time!  That is serious.  I think I am going to give that a try on my next solo two-hour ride.

Do you have a favorite song or band that gets you motivated?  What about a playlist that you use to get you going?  I'd love to hear about them.  Feel free to post your musical motivators in the comments below.



  1. I'll get this going. Here's what rocked me through 20 very hard minutes:

    Muse/ Hysteria @ 3:47 X 2

    Muse/ Map of Problematique @ 4:18 x 2

    Alter Bridge/ Isolation @4:13

  2. You know I'm a total song repeater. New Order is always fun, but I don't think there's any song I love more in the gym than MUSE's Map of the Problematique.

    I generally watch TV to get me through my cardio time, but I do remember looping 3 songs from Madonna's Ray of Light to paint our entire first floor on Edwood Ave. That was hours and hours. Some people may have tired of hearing those 3 songs, but I never did, and the paint job was always complimented.

  3. I bookmarked your blog so I can get my "Jason training fix" when I can't personally make it there which hasn't been in a while. But still staying physically active.

    My current favs for motivation are Terrifying by the Rolling Stones, Scuttle Buttin' and Pride and Joy by Stevie Ray Vaughn, Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel, Superstition by Stevie Wonder.

    Hope to see you soon. Bummed I missed the 2011 Fitness Challenge this year. Keep up the blog!

  4. Sue- great songs! You didn't miss the 2011 challenge. It's in the works for a much shorter/smaller spring based event. Talk with you soon.

  5. I like all different songs to get me through.....Seasons of Love from Rent, Mumford and Sons - Little Lion Man and The Cave, Britney Spears - 3 and my new favorite Florence and The Machine - Dog Days are Over.

    much love...smp

  6. The best music to which to work out is Goth-themed music or similar genres. Love and Rockets; the March Violets; Sisters of Mercy; Red Lorry Yellow Lorry; Peter Murphy; Bauhaus --the music is so absorbingly and frighteningly apocalyptic that you forget all about the fact that you're busting your tail during your workout. Oh, and the Ohio State fight song, too -- that's pretty apocalyptic as well considering how the NCAA is about to come down on those guys!

  7. I have so many songs I use to motivate me, and the range is wide, from some Metallica to New Order, and if I really am going to get my pump on, I listen to James Laid. The speed of the song and the drums is a great peak workout song. I downloaded the Muse song this morning, and will fit it into my Saturday morning workout. From the sounds of it, I see why it is a good pump song. Good post Jay! JP.

  8. Joe- I love that James song. I have plenty of New Order in my play lists too. I can appreciate the pumping and drive of the Metallica, but I can't train with it. When I was a freshman in high school I had to endure a 30 minute-ish bus ride to school every day. The bus had a tape deck. That tape deck was always playing Master of Puppets. 6:45 AM + Master of Puppets does not equal long term happy Metallica thoughts!

  9. Anonymous 8:23-

    Sorry for the late reply! I love The Sisters of Mercy for training. I would go with Dominion/Mother Russia, This Corrision, etc. Oh man, I would just go with the entire Floodland album. It's got highs and lows and a lot of memories for me. Then throw in some Detonation Boulevard and finish it up with a 75 minute version of Temple of Love! I love the Bauhaus too. I've used their version of Third Uncle on more playlists than I think any other song. And you can't beat Peter Murphy. I promise to do some lunges and push-ups saturday night at the concert- sorry you can't make it.

    What about Siouxsie?
