Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cross Training

Our new dog Foster has a lot of energy.  When he went to our vet last week, she classified him as an athlete - a statement that I thought was awesome - and she said that we had to make sure to run him.  So when this afternoon rolled around, and I had an opening in my schedule, I had 2 options.  Option 1: Do nothing and let my body recover from all of the riding I did last week.  Or Option 2: Burn some calories and energy with the athlete.  I choose the latter.

If you look at the above picture you may notice 2 things.  The first is the snow.  The photo is from about 2 weeks ago on our first running experiment.  The second is my footwear choice.  While Foster may need to run, I don't.  I actually don't care for it at all.  But I do like to rollerblade.  So that's what we did.  Me on skates and him on trotting paws.  We got about 10 minutes of easy running in for him, and 10 minutes of inner and outer thigh work for me.  I plan to pick it up slowly and gradually, just like you would for a human, and I think in the not too distant future I can have him running 20 minutes at a time several days a week.


1 comment:

  1. My three favorite athletes...
    That makes Lance Armstrong 4th! Wow!
    Luna and Foster also walk approximately 2 hours each day.
    I think we might be considered an "active" family...
