Tuesday, March 8, 2011

San Francisco Trip Itinerary

The late winter leading into the early Spring is historically a time when I notice the motivation of my clients, my friends, and sometimes myself, starting to dip.  I think it is the combination of the cold weather, short days and the lack of sunshine that starts weighing on everyone and bringing them down.  Regardless of how I may feel, I try to always keep a positive attitude flowing to help keep everyone on the right path.  As everyone around here knows, this has been a tough job this winter.  I have had to punch through the cold, cloudy rides and bitter morning drives all while keeping a smile on my face and a positive outlook.  How have I been able to do it?  Well, in addition to being rather optimistic by nature, I have been using a trip I have planned to help keep the enthusiasm topped off.  I planned a trip this Spring to go see my friend Rich in San Francisco.  To quote him,"It is going to be a bike training camp!" and based on the ride itinerary in the email he sent me the other day, it looks to be just that:

Day 1: Paradise loop and maybe a Headlands -  ~ 50 miles
Day 2: Alpine -  55 miles
Day 3: Nicasio -  70+ miles
Day 4: Marshall -  ~ 100 miles
TOTAL:  ~ 280 miles

Now that is a trip!  I know that is not exactly the same plan most people would have if they were going to San Francisco, but it works for me.  And it gets me psyched and it clicks on the inner enthusiasm that gets me through the day!  I would recommend that everyone find that trip, fitness goal, or even bathing suit that puts your mind in the right place and use that enthusiasm to help keep you going.


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